Sunday, February 8, 2009

Finding topics for speeches

We all sometimes need help in finding topics for our speeches. Public speaking classes in colleges commonly call for students to present both persuasive and informative speeches. This constant demand has generated lots of useful information located on many web sites.

Naomi Rockler-Gladen has written about How to Choose a Great Persuasive Speech Topic, provided a list of four dozen Great Persuasive Speech Topics, and even discusses 13 Tired Persuasive Speech Topics to be avoided. In January 2008 Toastmaster magazine also had an article about What Not to Talk About. At a web site called My Speech Class there is a list of 250 Persuasive Speech Topics.

The Maui Community College of the University of Hawaii has an excellent Topic Selection Helper for Informative Speeches. There also is another list of 250 Informative Speech Topics at My Speech Class.

Jim Peterson, a speechwriter, has a web site on speech topics, help, advice & ideas. He claims that it contains 5750+ Speech Ideas. I am NOT going to try to verify that.

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