Sunday, March 29, 2009

National Speakers Association and Speaker magazine

If you would like to find out about how professional speakers do what they do, head over to the web site for the National Speakers Association (NSA). Near the bottom of the left side of that page you will see an image of the cover for the current issue of their Speaker magazine. Click on the image for that issue (March 2009) to see a larger view along with the very detailed navigation menu.

There are many options for navigation. One of the neater ones is that you can point to a featured article on the cover, like “Price Wars: Overcoming Fee Objections,” then click, and you will go directly to that article.

You can navigate forward or backward in a magazine issue to the start or the end |<>| of an issue, or either back or forwards by pairs of pages with the <> keys. You can change the Settings to see a single page view as well. If you click on Archives you can see covers for all the back issues online (to January 2007), and then download them for later viewing offline. You also can use Search to find specific topics.

NSA Professional of Affiliate membership is $425 per year, plus an initiation fee of $175 for a total initial “investment” of $600. Right now I think I’ll pass on that.

Fee objections are nothing new. Back in January 2005 there was an article by Lawrence L. Steinmetz in Springs magazine titled Price Equals Perception. It discusses how to overcome specific objections and turn a price buyer into a value buyer. Dr. Steinmetz gives more detailed advice in his book on How to Sell at Margins Higher Than Your Competitors: Winning Every Sale at Full Price, Rate, or Fee.

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