Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Civility is not dead

Despite all the current high-profile misbehavior by sports stars, music stars, and Congressmen who all seem bent on being our Grossest National Product there are still decent people out there. Civility is not really dead.

One of my favorite gadgets is this little, digital, combination 4-event timer, and clock. The timer can either count up or down. The clip on the back also opens a half-inch, and then a wire frame falls down so the timer neatly stands up on a desk or counter. To change the button battery you put a coin in a slot on a little circular door (red arrow). When you turn it counterclockwise, two little tabs disengage slots to let the door open. One tab on the original door had broken (orange arrow), so I held the broken door on with a piece of duct tape.
I finally got tired of the broken door, and tried looking up the supplier. They seemed to be Component Design Northwest, Inc. (CDN) over in Portland, Oregon. See their PT1A, which you can buy for $20 from Kitchen Kaboodle. When I called CDN last week to ask how to order a replacement door, they took my address, and said they would mail me one for free. Actually they sent two. No more duct tape!

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