Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Successful Public Speaking: a series of videos by Dante Mena

His series of 16 brief (one or two minute) YouTube (and eHow) videos is like having a friendly uncle explain what to do, and what not to do. Mr. Mena lives in Budapest, and he wrote the Hungary Adventure Guide. His background also includes acting, and doing voiceovers in Hollywood. I previously referred to his video on body language in a June 11, 2009 post about gestures. The whole series of videos is worth looking at:

1. Audience Comprehension in Public Speaking

2. Audience Involvement in Public Speaking

3. Avoid Anger and Disgust in Public Speaking

4. Avoid Boredom with Topic in Public Speaking

5. Avoid Noisy Places in Public Speaking

6. Avoid Speaking Too Quietly in Public Speaking

7. Avoiding Audience Distractions in Public Speaking

8. Avoiding Distractions in Public Speaking

9. Body Language in Public Speaking

10 Engaging Audiences in Public Speaking

11. Expanding on the Topic of a Speech

12. How to Be a Successful Public Speaker

13. Jokes in Public Speaking

14. Pictures in Public Speaking

15. Props in Public speaking

16. Recovering Audience Attention in Public Speaking

17. Sticking to the Topic of a Speech

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