Monday, April 26, 2010

Leading by a tale: Caren Neile

The February 2009 issue of Toastmaster magazine contains an article by Caren Neile, Ph.D., called Leading by a Tale. She discusses how to put storytelling to work in an organization and how leaders use storytelling. She briefly mentions that according to Annette Simmons there are six types of stories that leaders tell:

1. Who I Am

2. Why I Am Here

3. The Vision

4. Teaching Stories

5. Values in Action

6. I Know What You Are Thinking

In the first chapter of her book The Story Factor Simmons discusses these types further. Her book is one of the references in this magazine article.

You can read an interview with Caren about storytelling here.

Caren also had an article in the August 2008 Toastmaster about Small Audiences: dos and don’ts of speaking to children. She also has discussed this topic in a 40-minute podcast. Also, she has discussed how You must be kidding: tall tales are a tall order in the November 2007 Toastmaster. Caren directs the South Florida Storytelling Project at Florida Atlantic University.

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