Saturday, April 9, 2011

Alejandro Anastasio: Life with One Hand

Alejandro Anastasio was the guest speaker at our Capitol Club Toastmasters meeting in Boise on April 6th. He talked for thirty minutes about his life, emphasizing clarity, courage, and compassion.

Alejandro was born without a left hand, but that hasn’t slowed him down much. He is a motivational speaker, an illustrator for the Bureau of Reclamation, a martial artist, a storyteller, etc.   

Back in high school he wasn’t expected to excel at anything. Then his pottery teacher told him that he could make it as an artist. Boise Weekly has published two articles about Alejandro: One Man’s One-Hand Show and Just Tying My Shoes for Kids can Change Their Lives.

There is a podcast of his July 19, 2010 Story, Story Night tale about bicycling from Seattle to Chicago. 

The image shows Alfred Tibor’s sculpture of Hope outside of the James Cancer Center in Columbus, Ohio. She is releasing three birds that represent freedom, flight, and happiness, or man, woman, and child.

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