Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ten great posts from 2010 that you might have missed

Last month when I was writing about the ten most popular posts on this blog I noticed that only four of them were from 2010. Since there were 149 posts in 2010, there were many more great posts, from which I’ve selected these ten:

1. How thin is “extremely thin”? discusses clearly explaining something very small that is responsible for making stainless steels work.

2. Add visual interest to your public speaking presentation with balloons, and other inflatable props describes how useful these items can be. It is an example of how you always can add your unique perspective to a topic. Tom Antion had two posts long ago about balloons, and mentioned that he’d owned an entertainment and balloon delivery company.

3. Why less is more - or even less talked about how that minimalist aphorism is a half-truth.

4. Boring subject, or just a boring speaker highlighted Shirley Schwartz, whose brilliant writing made the topic of motor oil fascinating.

5. What stories are you carrying in your pocket? discussed how the contents of your wallet or purse held numerous impromptu speech topics.

6. Would you buy a used car from these men? cautioned that first impressions may be completely wrong.

7. Web search: 10 strategies for various occasions outlined ways to find information online.

8. Small and large props that will improve your presentation can be found in numerous places.

9. What should we really be afraid of for Halloween? discussed the diseases and other events that most likely will cause our demise.

10 “All Speaking is public speaking,” or “there is no such thing as public speaking”? used Google Books to trace the idea that public speaking is an enlarged conversation back to a century ago.

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