Friday, June 10, 2011

A river full of business information

The Harvard Business Review (HBR) magazine hosts a blog called The Conversation that provides a constant stream of excellent business information on many topics like communication, presentations, managing yourself, personal effectiveness, etc. I look at it the whole river via Google Reader.  

Yesterday they had a story by Nick Morgan on Why You Must Rehearse. It’s a cautionary tale that’s both hilarious and pathetic. There also was a post by Dorie Clark on How to Recover from a Blunder.

The day before they had a post by Jerry Weissman on how Misdirection is for Magicians, Not Presenters. He gave advice about when to look at your slides. In May Jerry posted A Presenter’s Guide to Remembering What to Say.

There also have been posts by Whitney Johnson on The Essence of a Great Presentation, Ellen Galinsky on Getting Beyond Fear, and J. D. Schramm on How to Overcome Communication Fears.

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