Friday, August 24, 2012

SPEAK the movie

SPEAK is a documentary about the 2008 Toastmasters International World Championship of Public Speaking (and fear of public speaking) that is being shown in some theaters. There have been reviews of it this month both in Variety and the New York Times. A  video trailer is on Vimeo.

The web site for it contains a web page about hosting a screening. It is also out on video (for $25). I expect that SPEAK will become a staple at Toastmasters district conferences.

Lashunda Rundles won the 2008 championship. The left side of the web pages for SPEAK shows an unoccupied floor microphone, which now has a much different meaning than originally intended, because Lashunda, who suffered from lupus, died on August 21st.   

1 comment:

  1. Have not seen the movie yet but have heard great things about it!
