Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Free ebook on Communicating Science and other geeky topics

This year the Burroughs Wellcome Fund released the second edition of their free ebook Communicating Science: giving talks. You can download an Acrobat .pdf file here at their web site. The first edition came out back in 2007 or perhaps 2008. I downloaded it, but didn’t blog about it then.

It is a useful resource for scientists, engineers, librarians, and other geeky introverts who want to learn how to communicate better.

Section headings are:

Introduction - take the high ground
Presentation Matters
Structuring Your Talk
What Type of Talk?
The Speaker’s Toolbox
Using Technology
Handling Questions Gracefully
What If Things Go  Terribly Wrong?
Getting the Most From Your Talk
Appendix - In a Minute There is Time

Denise Graveline discussed it in an August 29th post on her Eloquent Woman blog. 

The image of James Pollack lecturing came from Wikimedia Commons.

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