Sunday, October 21, 2012

Over in the United Kingdom today is the last day of Face Your Fears Week

On October 16th I blogged about it being National Face Your Fears Day in the U.S.. Across the Atlantic today is the last day of Face Your Fears Week, which is a fund raising campaign for a charity concerning facial disfigurement called Changing Faces.

They have a list of top ten fears that (of course) includes public speaking.

1. Flying
2. Public Speaking
3. Heights
4. Water
5. Intimacy
6. Needles
7. Confined Spaces
8. Spiders
9. Snakes
10. Dogs

Last year they posted a YouTube video adapted from an old Coronet instructional film, which reminded me of schooldays long ago.

They also have a humorous video warning Don’t Try This At Home. Note that National Face Your Fears Day just is about me, while Face Your Fears Week is about helping others.

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