Wednesday, April 24, 2013

CST doesn’t just mean Central Standard Time

When a mass casualty event like the April 15th Boston Marathon bombings occurs, it obviously is important to quickly identify whether the weapons of mass destruction  (WMD) include chemical, biological, or radiation threats. Which government agency does that?

The National Guard has 57 Civil Support Teams (CST) equipped with mobile analytical labs.  There is one 22 person team  for every state, and additional units in California, Florida, and New York. The 1st CST is based in Wellesley, Massachusetts, which is about 15 miles west of downtown Boston. They were present during the marathon, along with people from other units.

Unfortunately there are some people who see conspirators under every bed. On April 18th there was a post at lamenting that FBI ignores men with backpacks at scene of Boston Bombings. Of course the FBI did, since they knew exactly who those guys were, and why they were supposed to be there. Another post from Natural News repeated by Infowars claimed Photos: Private military operatives hired to work the Boston marathon. At least one commenter corrected them:

“Those guys are members of the MA Guard’s 1st WMD Civil Support Team which is based out of Natick. They, along with about 800 other Guardsmen of MA, were on duty that day.”

It took Infowars another three days to say Military Men Witnessed at Boston Bombing Identified as National Guard CST Teams. Even then they didn’t apologize, and qualified the obvious with a ‘could’:

“After days of speculation and calls for officials to provide an explanation, it has emerged that the unidentified military style group pictured at the scene of the Boston bombing both before and after the explosions could be National Guard Civil Support Teams (CSTs) that were pre-scheduled to be at the event.”

I don’t think that spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt is useful, so I have nothing but contempt for sites like Infowars. By the way, CST team is as redundant as ATM machine, since it merely spells out the last word of the acronym.

The clock image came from here at Wikimedia Commons, and the 1892 stereograph Girls I hear rats came from the Library of Congress

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