Monday, May 20, 2013

Filling the skies with music on Music Monday in Canada

In Canada the Coalition for Music Education holds a nationwide sing-along event called Music Monday. This year’s song was I.S.S. (Is Somebody Singing), which was co-written by astronaut Chris Hadfield and Ed Robertson (who also wrote the theme song for the comedy TV show The Big Bang Theory).

As shown above, on May 6th hundreds of students in Toronto at the Ontario Science Centre sang along with Chris via a video link up to the International Space Station. Look carefully at about 2:50 in the video. Deaf students are doing an American Sign Language version, which is demonstrated in the following video.

The Music Monday web site has downloadable audio demos with several different arrangements of the song - both vocal and instrumental. The Barbershop and Steel Band versions are very different from the first recorded version, which I blogged about on February 16th. There are lots of different ways of telling a story. 

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