Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Zombie Speech Marathon

Last Sunday in Fairfield, Iowa Alex Cequea, the editor of iPhone Life magazine, apparently succeeded in breaking the Guinness World Record for a speech marathon. He spoke for about 34 hours. That’s a great PR gesture for him. What does it mean for you?

Not very much. It’s just another wacky record to put in the next edition of a beer manufacturer’s book for settling bar bets. He managed to stay awake for way too long, and to function more like a zombie than an alert human. Wow. By other rules there are even longer record speeches.

In April 2010 Mental Floss listed eight wacky world records:

1. Most Spoons Balanced on the Face - 13
2. Longest speech - 124 hours
3. Most Piercings in One Session - 1,116
4. Eating the Most Hot Peppers - 8
5. Side Wheel Driving Through the Smallest Gap - 67 cm wider than car height
6. Most Pumpkins Carved in One Hour - 50
7. Oldest Bungee Jumper - 96 years
8. Most World Records Record - 100
The image adapted from the original 1968 movie Night of the Living Dead came from Wikimedia Commons.

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