Monday, June 16, 2014

A great cartoon about many commencement speeches

Today Zach Weiner has a great Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal cartoon about many commencement speeches. His captions include:

“What you students may not realize is that the point of a commencement speech isn’t the words. If you want inspiration, or profound insight or whatever, well, you should’ve got it in literature class.

No. The point of the speaker is to show how much money our university can afford to spend on 20 minutes of platitudes. We need to show off our brand. You need our brand to get a job.”

But, that’s not all. Go read it to see his ending.

Some commencement speeches are different. At Dartmouth Shonda Rhimes told the grads to go out and do, since dreams are for losers.

Also today Tony Carrillo had an F Minus cartoon captioned:

“I’m proud to welcome our most popular guest speaker, the Model G400 teleprompter.”

I prefer his May 31st cartoon about the cat remote.

The June 20,1906 Puck cartoon showing commencement day in the U.S. Senate came from the Library of Congress.

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