Monday, June 9, 2014

An off-target comment from Best DISSERTATION Services

 Back in January I had a post titled Don’t just get on the bandwagon! Find your own speech topic and approach. Last week I got a comment about it from Best DISSERTATION Services who sell in the UK and also have a blog. Their blogger, Vestri Vel, asked me to:

“Kindly share more information.”

That’s pretty silly since my post already had labels that linked to four topics: planning (with 42 posts), research (with 68 posts), ruts (with 3 posts), and speech topics (with 17 posts).

The Dissertation Writing web page for Best DISSERTATION Services includes a statement that:

“Our cheap dissertation writing services provide you a complete high quality dissertation without any errors.”

I doubt it, since captions to the scrolling animated images on their home page include both:

“With Smiley FACE Your Resit Diseertation”

“Make rite choice to write your dissertation.”

The archery target came from Wikimedia Commons.


  1. Vetri:

    The spelling of dissertation was wrong on the home page I mentioned, but right on the one you just linked to.

