Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Idaho Republican convention fails to catch fire

Last weekend the Idaho Republican Party held their biennial state convention in Moscow, lead by U.S. Representative Raul Labrador. They were supposed to: (A) Elect a party chairman and (B) Pass a party platform. How did they do? Zero for two. He couldn’t stop the tea party and establishment factions from feuding.

The Washington Times reported that:

“Labrador, who seeking to become U.S. House majority leader after Eric Cantor’s primary loss, had touted his work on a solution to unite the party for weeks prior to the convention but said it quickly fell apart once the event started. While his deal failed, Labrador said it was not indicative of his ability to lead House Republicans.”

Really? The Washington Post also lamented in more detail that The Idaho Republican convention this weekend was a total fiasco.

Now it’s not clear who even is running things. Yesterday the Idaho Statesman here in Boise reported State GOP chairman refutes legal opinion that he’s no longer chair, seeks his own.

Things now are almost as ludicrous as an old Monty Python's Flying Circus Election Night Special comedy skit (with the Silly Party and the Sensible Party).

The image was adapted from one back in 1900 at the Library of Congress.

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