Sunday, July 20, 2014

Chris Hadfield’s amazing TED talk on What I learned from going blind in space

Today is the 45th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the moon. So, it’s a good time to look at one effect. Up in Ontario it inspired a nine year old boy to dream of becoming an astronaut, which seemed impossible. Chris told that story in his book, An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth. (Back in January I blogged about his advice to Visualize failure and then plan for success).

In this TED talk he describes getting over fear, what going up, being in space, and coming back down feels like, and his sense of wonder. (In the book he mentions an ironic detail - that before launch of a Soyuz rocket Russians toast to Miakoi posadki [soft landings]).


If you didn't recognize it, the snippet of song Chris sings at the end is an update of his upbeat cover version of David Bowie's space disaster song, Space Oddity.  

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