Tuesday, October 14, 2014

20 annoying buzzwords or phrases that nevermore should be used in the workplace

On September 4th Accountemps issued a press release about their survey of annoying buzzwords and phrases that should be used nevermore. They interviewed over 600 human-relations managers at companies both in the U.S. and Canada.

In alphabetical order their top twenty were:

At the end of the day * #
Circle back #
Crunch time
Deep dive
Employee engagement
I am overwhelmed
It’s above my pay grade
It’s not my job
Let me get back to you
Leverage #
Out of pocket
Pick my brain
Synergy * #
Think (thinking) outside the box * #
Value-added * (value add) #
When am I going to get a raise?
Win-win *

Five marked with an asterisk (*) also were in their 2004 survey titled Buzzwords Gone Bad  that listed 18, and are thus extremely stale.

Six marked with a pound sign (#) also were in their 2009 survey titled What’s the Buzz, that listed 17 and are somewhat stale.

Others from 2004 that are gone and will not be missed are:

Accountability management
Customer centric
Core competency
Generation X
Get on the same page
On the runway
Redeployed people
Take it offline

The others from 2009 that are gone and will not be missed are:

Cutting edge
Game changer
It is what it is
On the same page
Reach out

Back in 2012 I blogged about Tired old phrases to use nevermore (from a longer list published almost a century ago). 

The image with a raven was modified from one on Puck magazine cover published back on November 7, 1900.

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