Saturday, November 8, 2014

A useful Top 20 List of blogs about public speaking and presentations

On Thursday, November 6th, at his Presentation Hero blog (aka La Fabrica Della Realtà) Matteo Cassese posted his list of Top 20 Presentation and Public Speaking Blogs - 2014 edition. It includes several that I have not been following so far, and now plan to browse.

But, he didn’t mention the obvious - which is that you can view headlines for the five most recent posts on half of them just by going to Alltop Speaking. That site lists his #1, #3, #11, #12 (usually), #14 (titled as PowerPoint Tips Blog), #15, #17, #18 (titled as Jim Harvey’s Presentation Skills Advice), #19, and #20. Alltop also list four he had mentioned under the title of The Long Tail of Public Speaking Blogs: Nuts and Bolts Blog, Michelle Mazur Blog, Professionally Speaking, and Make a Powerful Point.

I was amused by his omission of Alltop Speaking, because his Presentation Hero blog appears there on the bottom line, under the title of La Fabrica Della Realtà.

The image was derived from one about Saving Daylight.    

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