Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A guide for how to find things out - the NHS IQ Intelligence Handbook

Last fall the Improving Quality (IQ) organization at the National Health Service (NHS) released their Intelligence Handbook. It’s an excellent guide to researching that you can either view online with a web browser or download for free as a 42-page Acrobat .pdf file.

It is divided into ten sections titled:

Tools and Resources

Almost anyone who writes and delivers speeches will find something useful in this Handbook.

When you skim it, you likely will find things you had not seen before (and different British terminology for those you have seen).

For example, both under Gather and in Tools and Resources there is the phrase Grey Literature with a hyperlink to this page that discusses materials not from the usual commercial publishers (and how and where to find them). 

Under Report and in Tools and Resources there is the phrase Stakeholder Mapping with a hyperlink to another page about analyzing your audience.

NHS IQ also has a Learning Handbook that is worth reading.

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