Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Private Label Rights (PLR) articles - Buying content for the price of a gumdrop

An a website with Free Online Articles I found one titled Ten Important Steps to Overcome Your Fear Of Public Speaking, which is rather poorly written. It opens with an extravagant claim that:

“The fear of public speaking is as common to man as the sun is as common during the day and do not fear, almost everyone goes through the same process day in and day out, but just to be sure, here are some ten important steps to overcome the fear of public speaking.”

In serious surveys that fear really is reported by about one-fifth or fewer adults.

I saw that article reposted on February 4, 2015 by Cyril Malka in Israel, and on December 20, 2011 by Pix Jonasson in Australia (with their names listed as the author).  

The fifth step, which should not include the word always, is to:

“Never always ever lose track of reality, this will help you gauge how well you are adapting to any situation that you are in.”

The seventh step, which should be three sentences, is:

“Take things one at a time, do not take on situations too seriously or you could lose focus and lose track of what helps you draw your strength towards achieving your desired goals and believe it or not, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a key factor that can help you develop that sense of reality.”

When I looked further on Google, I found that an article with that title was included in a CD collection titled 25 Fear and Phobia PLR Articles that was being sold for $2, or just $0.08 per article! Elsewhere it might cost up to $7.

Private Label Rights (PLR) articles are claimed to offer the advantages of:

*  Saving time.

*  Saving money, compared to hiring a writer or buying exclusive rights.

*  Gaining a reputation as an ‘expert’ on a subject while knowing nothing about it.”

I think that you get what you pay for.

Also, compare this article by Alvin Williams from 2014 at LinkedIn on 10 Sure-Fire Steps to take the Fear out of Public Speaking with this one from 2005 by Alan Fairweather. All that has been changed was the name and company from Fred Smith of Smith Associates to Alvin Williams of Open Rivers Pictures, and two spellings from British to American - from programme to program and minimise to minimize. 

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