Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Please look at Andrew Dlugan’s Six Minutes blog about speaking and presentation skills

Back in 2007 Andrew Dlugan started an excellent blog titled Six Minutes speaking and presentation skills. Six minutes is the average length (nominally a range from five to seven) for eight of ten speeches in the  basic Competent Communication manual from Toastmasters International.

Like many blogs it eventually went dormant. Last month he revived it with a series of five Flashback Friday repostings. On September 7th he had a new post titled Spice Up Your Speechwriting (Epiphora).

Six Minutes is listed in the blogs at Alltop Speaking. If you aren’t familiar with it, please go take a look and bookmark the home page. I have long been a fan of Andrew’s well-researched posts on a wide variety of topics.  

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