Saturday, October 3, 2015

Outline notes are a visual aid for the speaker

On September 16th the web site for Johnson & Hunter, Inc. about Speaking Skills for Lawyers had a web page with an excellent brief article by Marsha Hunter on Notes as Your Visual Aid. Her four rules for a speaking outline are to:

Write big.
Write legibly.
Keep notes simple.
Keep notes handy.

There also is a YouTube video, Notes Are a Visual Aid for the Speaker.

Keep in mind that you could either use a piece of 11”×17″ ledger paper or tape together two 8-1/2” × 11” sheets to create a notes page the size of a restaurant menu.

The Public Speaking Project has a 16-page freely downloadable .pdf Chapter 8 about Organizing and Outlining.

An image of a woman reading a letter was adapted from a painting at Wikimedia Commons.

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