Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Good and bad news about Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey was known as the host of the Family Feud TV show. Now there’s good and bad news about him.

The good news is that he’s much more famous. The bad news is that it’s for having made a mistake on live TV. The good news is that he just misread one cue card. The bad news is that card listed the winner of the Miss Universe pageant he was hosting.

Steve had announced that Miss Colombia was the winner. After she was crowned he told the audience that instead Miss Philippines had won. Miss Colombia really was the first runner-up. He held up the card and apologized. (In a tweet he also misspelled the names of both countries).

The good news is that both Steve and the pageant got a lot of extra publicity. The bad news is that now Steve is stuck with a catchphrase and may be introduced by Steve ‘the winner is‘ Harvey.    

On his Manner of Speaking blog John Zimmer described Five Lessons from the 2015 Miss Universe Mix-up.  At Cheryl Conner discussed What Steve Harvey’s Mistake Teaches Entrepreneurs: How to Turn Your PR Gaffes Into Wins.

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