Saturday, February 27, 2016

Dave Lieber’s humorous TEDx SMU talk on a story formula and The Dog of My Nightmares

On February 9th I blogged about a demonstration speech by Dallas newspaper columnist Dave Lieber on Starbucks hot drink cup sizes. Watch his 17-minute TEDx SMU talk on The Dog of My Nightmares.

Dave is an NSA Certified Speaking Professional. In a 2007 interview at Lorri Allen’s Soundbites blog he discussed how he got started speaking:

“I've been speaking since 1980. I was working for a small paper in Florida that paid me $200 a week, and I could barely live on that. So the paper paid me $5 a speech every time I went and appeared before a Rotary Club or other audience. I began giving two or three a week because that extra $15 really went a long way for me back then. I got so good at it so quickly that the publisher of the paper actually started giving me some of his speeches. And when I left the paper and had speeches scheduled, he took mine and filled in for me. He went on to become publisher of USA Today. That was almost 30 years ago, and now I give about 100 or more speeches a year across the nation. It's so much fun because unlike my writing, I can see the immediate reaction from audiences!”

Read his Utah Law Review article on I’m Going to Let You Walk Home.

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