Saturday, April 30, 2016

Survey finds more U. S. homeowners fear their home being damaged by a natural disaster, or invaded by pests, than public speaking, global warming, or a celebrity reality star running for president

A press release by Terminix at MarketWired on April 18th titled Survey finds pests are more frightening than zombies, tornadoes, or a celebrity presidential candidate described results from a survey done with over 1000 homeowners by Kelton Global. As shown above in a bar chart they found that:

Critter infestations trump other common fears. More than one-third (36 percent) of respondents said they fear pests invading their home - nearly as many as those who fear their home being damaged by a natural disaster (40 percent). In fact, a pest invasion is a scary threat for more homeowners than public speaking (32 percent), global warming (26 percent) or a celebrity reality star running for president (25 percent).”

Click on the chart to see a larger, clearer version. Their opening sentence also said that: 

“Ninety-three percent of Americans are afraid of pests, with many even experiencing nightmares about them, according to a new survey from the pest control company Terminix.”

Pests are feared either by 93% or 36% of homeowners - depending on exactly how you ask the question. How many homeowners would have feared Donald Trump rather than just a celebrity reality star?

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