Sunday, April 3, 2016

The French like me and Jerry Lewis

You don’t get to choose who is going to like you as a speaker or blogger. After almost 490,000 page views I looked under the Stats tab in Google Blogger to find the top ten countries viewing this blog. As shown above, almost 3 out of 5 (58.9%) are from the U.S., followed by France (9.3%), Russia (7.9%), the United Kingdom (5.7%), Ukraine (4.7%), Germany (4.3%), Canada (3.8%), India (3.1%), Australia (1.4%) and China (1.0%).

But then I looked at what’s been happening recently in the past week and month. It’s very different, and for some unknown reason the French really like me. I don’t speak French and have never been to France.

For the past week almost four out of five views came from France (almost 1/2) and the U.S. (1/3rd).  The percentages were France (48.1%), United States (33.1%), Poland (5.7%), Russia (4.4%) Ukraine (2.0%), Japan (1.6%), United Kingdom (1.5%), Canada (1.4%), Germany (1.2%) and Australia (1.0).

For the past month the percentages were France (47.5%), United States (37.2%), Poland (4.6%), Canada (2.1%), United Kingdom (1.9%), Russia (1.9%) Ukraine (1.4%), Japan (1.2%), Germany (1.1%) and Romania (1.1%).

I remember reading in the New York Times that the French also like the comedy of Jerry Lewis.

An image of the French flag came from Wikimedia Commons.

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