Friday, June 17, 2016

Explaining lead in drinking water and the Flint crisis

Where can you find  serious, detailed information about a technical topic like lead in drinking water, and the Flint water crisis? Not in newspaper articles! But, you can when you look at the web sites for technical societies like the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and NACE International, you will find excellent magazine articles. 

AWWA has a topical web page on Lead. The November 2014 issue of their Opflow magazine has an article on pages 27 to 27 titled Developing Corrosion Control for Drinking Water Systems which you can download for free as a .pdf file. The quotation shown above was highlighted in that article.

There also is a detailed 56-page web report dated 2015 on Controlling Lead in Drinking Water from The Water Research Foundation.

On pages 26 to 29 in the June issue of the NACE International engineering magazine, Materials Performance, there is an excellent feature article titled Corrosion Caused Lead-Tainted Water in Flint, Michigan. You can read it on the web under the longer title of The Science Behind It: Corrosion Caused Lead-Tainted Water in Flint, Michigan.       


On October 31, 2016 Materials Performance magazine had another article titled Researchers Examine Corrosion of Lead Water Pipes in Aftermath of Flint.

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