Saturday, August 27, 2016

Stamp out fuzzy thinking: Please don’t confuse satire with reality

I got a laugh from reading an August 23rd article by Michael Deeds in the Idaho Statesman titled Idaho radio host gets epic beatdown from Neil deGrasse Tyson. Neal Larson had posted an opinion column at titled Larson: Neil deGrasse Tyson is a horse’s astrophysicist.

Unfortunately it was based on his having read an article at the satirical web site Clickhole from back on December 1, 2015 titled Awesome: When a little girl told Neil deGrasse Tyson she wanted to live on Jupiter, he completely shut her down.

Mr. Larson’s minimal research missed that the upper right corner of every Clickhole page is labeled ONION, INC. SITES. The Onion is a well-known satirical news site which hilariously claims it is America’s Finest News Source. Three other recent food-related articles at Clickhole are:

April 6. 2016: Major Blunder: Quaker Oats mistakenly printed Morgan Freeman’s obituary on the back of all its oatmeal boxes

April 15, 2016: PR Nightmare: Campbell’s is recalling 12 million cans of soup that still need another pinch of salt

June 20, 2016: A Bold Strategy: Heinz just rolled out a new ad campaign proudly proclaiming its ketchup makes you blind

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