Sunday, September 18, 2016

A great stuntman story - Eddie Braun rockets across the Snake River Canyon

On Friday, September 16th, Eddie Braun soared across the Snake River Canyon near Twin Falls, Idaho. He succeeded in doing what his boyhood idol, Evel Knievel, had failed at back on September 8, 1974. See the Wikipedia pages on Evel Knievel and the Skycycle X-2.

In a question and answer session with the local newspaper on the previous day, Hollywood stuntman Braun said the jump was how he would begin winding down his career. See the AP and TIME magazine stories on the jump.

Knievel’s attempt had a big buildup:

“A Time magazine reporter wrote about lots of bikers, drinking, partying and nudity before and on the day of the jump. He described the scene as ‘a bizarre spectacle, garnished with machismo and the threat of death.’ "

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