Friday, October 28, 2016

Stagweb survey on fears of British men finds the top five are spiders, heights, public speaking, snakes, and failure

Halloween is approaching, so there are lots of articles about what people fear. On October 26th there was a post at The Antler blog from Stagweb titled Man Phobias - Weird Fears of Modern Life. (Stagweb in Bath, England organizes stag weekends - also known as bachelor parties). They surveyed 1000 British men and found the percentages shown above in a bar chart. (Click on it to see a larger, clearer view).

The top ten fears were:

  1]  Spiders 24.0%
  2]  Heights 19.9%

  3] Public speaking 15.1%
  4] Snakes 11.4%
  5] Failure 11.1%
  6] Flying 3.7%
  7] Clowns 2.8%
  8] Cotton Wool 2.0%
  9] Birds 1.9%
10] Balloons 1.2%

They also asked Are you happy speaking in public? and found 40.5% said yes while the other 59.5% said no.

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