Thursday, December 22, 2016

How far should you trust a list of 50 Top Public Speaking Blogs that actually has 54 items?

Not very far! In November Feedspot had an article titled Top 50 Public Speaking Blogs Every Speaker Must Follow. They also had another article titled Top 50 Woodworking Blogs Every Woodworker Must Follow which listed 60 items. I don’t like being told what I must do by people who can’t even count. 

This blog wasn’t on that public speaking blog list, since I don’t do Twitter or Facebook. Some blogs that were on it like Manner of Speaking, and Expert Media Training had posts about being on that list. But they didn’t mention that Feedspot should take lessons from Count von Count

Even more hilariously the Feedspot article titled Top 100 Leadership Blogs for Executives, Managers and CEO’s listed 293 items - but at the bottom instead claimed it showed the Top 300 Leadership Blog Winners.

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