Sunday, March 12, 2017

A wonderful TEDx Talk by John Koenig about making up words for our emotions

At TEDx Berkeley there was a wonderful 7-1/2 minute talk by John Koenig titled Beautiful new words to describe obscure emotions that discussed some of the words he made up for his web site The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows. I have illustrated two of his definitions. We had a lot of anecdoche in last year’s election campaigns.

On December 27, 2014 I blogged about how you can Have fun making up new words! One describes a very obscure fear about dogs (as shown above). An earlier post on June 3, 2013 titled Finding the right word (or not) mentioned that waterson would describe the analog for arson, but with deliberate destruction via water rather than fire.

Demented means insane, so the process for reversing it could be called remented.

The image of two men arguing was derived from a WPA poster at the Library of Congress. The sad clown came from Mizraim at Wikimedia Commons.

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