Sunday, April 9, 2017

An unimaginative personal injury law firm couldn’t find how to email Uber

On April 7th at the Above The Law web site there was an article by Kathryn Rubino titled When All Else Fails, Try Twitter. It described how the Butler Tobin firm contacted Uber via Twitter after those gorillas said they were unable to find an email address - even on the Uber help page. There also was a blog post about that article at Jane Genova Speechwriter-Ghostwriter titled Since Websites Don’t Provide Email addresses…

But I had no trouble finding an address that quickly would get the attention of Uber. I started from their general Help Page, and then clicked the link at the bottom of the column labeled More. That took me to another page with a list of items under Legal and privacy. One of them is Press inquiries, which says:

“Members of the media are invited to contact us by email:
Please let us know if you’re working on a deadline. We will respond as quickly as possible.

A cleverer attorney just would have guessed an address starting with either press or legal.

Eric Kilby’s image of a gorilla scratching its head came from Wikimedia Commons.

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