Saturday, April 1, 2017

Fun on April Fool’s Day 2017

It’s April Fool’s Day, so you can believe even less than usual of what you read. USA Today had an article about Our favorite April Fool’s pranks: Bob Evans Beauty, Honda Horn Emojis. The Telegraph (UK) had an article on April Fool’s Day: all the best fake news and pranks. Both mentioned Honda Horn Emojis, which resemble the universal car horn language from the CBC comedy radio show This is That which I blogged about in a post on November 16, 2016 titled A TED talk parody from This is That. The Telegraph also mentioned a new carbonated drink, Coca-Cola Helium.

In 2014 I blogged about how Sorry, but Zero Gravity Day is just an old April Fool’s Day joke and the next day about Goodbye Glossophobia – an April Fool’s Day satire.

Mystery novel author John Sandford has a whole series of April Fool’s phony covers for “new” books in his Prey series. My favorite is Lettuce Prey, which has a dust jacket blurb opening with:

“Lucas Davenport's been a law officer for almost thirty years, and he thinks he's seen it all. Multiple murders, sex offenders, psychopathic loners, spree killers, political operatives. People getting orders from God. People getting orders from aliens. A communist chimpanzee pimp. The list, he thought, was getting a bit stale.”

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