Wednesday, April 19, 2017

You never should have to worry about shuffling or dropping your cue cards

All you have to do is to punch a hole in one corner and fasten them together, as is shown above using a ball chain. That image came from my December 15, 2014 blog post titled Don’t paint yourself into a corner.

Other types of fasteners can be used, as shown above. Ball chain and notebook rings are easily opened. But, if you don’t have them you could instead use nylon cable ties, as discussed at the end of an old article

Yet another type of paper fastener is the Treasury tag. A modern version (shown above) is the molded polypropylene T-Tag, that is hilariously misnamed since it is shaped like a letter H rather than a T.  

This post was inspired by a Presentation Blogger blog post with the overblown title of Cue Cards Will Destroy Your Speech that David McGimpsey put at the Toastmasters LinkedIn Group on April 15, 2017. David had claimed:

“When you use cue cards as prompts you are forced to look down regularly. You are forced to shuffle. Even worse, you are forced to read!”

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