Friday, April 28, 2017

You shouldn’t use an obscure word just because you can

On April 25, 2017 at Speechwriter-Ghostwriter Jane Genova blogged about Alleged Police Brutality – TV Cop Shows Should Be Scripting More Objective Content on Issue.

Her second to fourth paragraphs said:

"As lawyer-journalist Kathyrn Rubino reports at, SCOTUS denied certiorari to the case concerning Houston police officer Chris Thompson and Richard Salazar-Limon.

Essentially the 2010 case involves the allegation that Thompson shot unarmed Salazar-Limon with no provocation. As s result of the wounding, the suspect became a cripple.

In that decision, Justice Sonya Sotomayor dissented. She was joined by Justice Ruth Baker."  

Most people wouldn’t know the difference between a certiorari and a topiary, or the acronym SCOTUS. Translating to plain English - the Supreme Court of the United States decided not to review that case. But there is no Justice Ruth Baker on the court. Jane meant to say Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She could be much clearer if she actually proofread her blog posts.

Jane also had opened by talking about the TV show Blue Bloods but instead used an out-of-date stock photo for Criminal Minds. That’s silly since just on April 21 she had blogged about Blue Bloods and used a logo.  

The image of an elephant topiary by Erin Silversmith came from Wikimedia Commons.

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