Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A parody of what happens if you overstuff a presentation – The Saddest (Country) Song Ever

On YouTube I found a humorous video that Jason Isbell did last March for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. In it Jason claimed to have written The Saddest (Country) Song Ever: a three-hour long, four-chord masterpiece which includes topics such as:


The Troops

Reliable Trucks Gone Done Breakin’ Down

The Devil’s Brown Liquor

The No-Good Bankerman Knocking on the Door with Papers

Ailing Family Dogs

Dying Family Dogs

Ten Thousand Dead Family Dogs

Long-Suffering Single Mother

Money Problems

Tragic Cannon Accident

A Sentient Tractor Wishes It Could Work Harder

Drunk at Custody Hearing

The Old Closed Down Skating Rink

Layoffs at the Baby Shoe Factory

A Man from the City is Mean

Oh No! Another Civil War!

Twin Brothers Have Buzzsaw Accident

Grampa Thinks His Grandson Is Hitler

A Clown Has to Retire

Toothless Dog Can’t Bite Burglar

Pregnant Lady Reads Sad Book

Honor Roll Student Experiments with Liberalism

A Father Outlives His Lawnmower

The Entire Plot of “A Farewell to Arms”

Local Magician’s Funeral

Frankenstein Attacks a Preschool

Presumably having A Farewell to Arms contributed most to the absurd length. (The 1957 movie was 152 minutes long). I suspect Jason got inspired by his cancer song Elephant.

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