Friday, August 11, 2017

Get Happy - Danish Style

I have been reading The Little Book of Hygge (Danish Secrets to Happy Living) by Meik Wiking. The Danish word hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) translates as a sense of comfort, togetherness, and well-being. Joy is found in simple pleasures. It literally is a little book, 226 pages long, and just 7-1/4” high by 5-3/8” wide. 

On page 96 Mr. Wiking says:

“The one thing that every home needs is a hyggekrog, which translates roughly as ‘a nook.’ It is the place in the room where you love to snuggle up in a blanket, with a book and a cup of tea. Mine is by the kitchen window.”

On pages 30 and 31 he states a ten-point Hygge Manifesto:

Turn down the lights.

Be here now. Turn off the phones.

Coffee, chocolate, cookies, cakes, candy. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

Take it in. This might be as good as it gets.

It’s not a competition. We already like you. There is no need to brag about your achievements.

Get comfy. Take a break. It’s all about relaxation.

No drama. Let’s discuss politics another day.

Build relationships and narratives. “Do you remember the time we…?”

This is your tribe. This is a place of peace and security.

Starting on page 156 he describes a hygge safari through Copenhagen. One stop is for smørrebrød (open sandwiches), usually served with beer and schnapps.

You can watch a 17-minute TedX INSEAD  Singapore talk by Malene Rydahl on Planting Seeds of Happiness the Danish Way. Meek Wiking has a 19-1/2 minute TedX Copenhagen talk on The Dark Side of Happiness.

The 1910 image shows physicist Niels Bohr and his fiancé.

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