Monday, November 27, 2017

Ruby Lee and the VERY BIG DEAL is a good short story for kids with a fear of public speaking

Boise speech coach Nancy Buffington’s 50-page 2013 paperback children’s book Ruby Lee and the VERY BIG DEAL is about a fifth-grader who wins a school essay contest, but then finds out she will have to read her essay in front of the whole town.

Her Great Aunt Alice, helps her by telling her the following nine secrets:

1]  You just have to be yourself.

2]  Practice, practice, practice.

3]  Don’t even try to be perfect.

4]  What the audience doesn’t know won’t hurt them.

5]  Take charge.

6]  Give yourself credit.

7]  Have fun!

8]  Get ready to do it again.

9]  Feel the love.   

(Those secrets already were spelled out in a review at Amazon).

On November 14, 2014 at her Boise Speakwell blog Nancy posted about My new book – public speaking for kids of all ages. She said it is for ages nine and up. Consider it as a Christmas gift for someone it might help.

Back on December 5, 2016 I blogged about a longer book by Susan Cain in a post titled A brief book review of Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts.

The painting of a young girl reading by George Goodwin Kilburne came from Wikimedia Commons.

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