Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The joy of listening to podcasts

Audio podcasts are one way of getting information about a topic like public speaking. They can fit into your day when you are spending a half hour walking or doing other exercises. Recently I have been listening to AlejAndro Anastasio’s One Hand Speaks podcast. His latest  (27th) one is on Talking TED Talk with an X. In it he discusses both speaking and coaching. This year AlejAndro is Vice President - Membership for St. Al’s Toastmasters Club here in Boise. (I’m Vice President – Public Relations). His previous podcast talked about going to the semifinals of the 2014 Toastmasters World Championship in Kuala Lumpur, Maylasia.
There are other podcasts about public speaking, like the Toastmasters Podcast, Lisa B. Marshall’s The Public Speaker Quick and Dirty Tips, and Fred E. Miller’s No Sweat Public Speaking! Podcast.

I sometimes listen to podcasts from a couple of radio shows - ON BEING with Krista Tippett, and BBC Radio 4’s Soul Music.

Eight years ago I got an iMac to replace my vintage PC (rather than accept having to use Windows 7). Then I got a little iPod Nano that painlessly synced with iTunes on the iMac. My 2012 Honda Fit has a jack inside the glove box for plugging the iPod into the radio, so it’s easy for me to take my music and podcasts along in the car.

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