Saturday, December 23, 2017

How to build a bad presentation – describe a problem but not a good solution


On December 21st at Jane Genova’s Speechwriter-Ghostwriter blog she posted about The Atlantic – Return of Paywall. She linked to a Wall Street Journal article which told how, as of January 2018, that magazine is going back to requiring a subscription if you want to read more than the complimentary ten article a month.

But there is no good reason to pay for a subscription. That magazine is included in the EBSCO MasterFILE Premier online database which is widely available via public libraries – including where Jane lives in Mahoning County, Ohio (and where I live in Ada County, Idaho).  

Your library card number is all you need to get at a lot of great magazines from your personal computer. I’ve discussed Jane’s whining before on July 30, 2016 in a post titled Going around pesky periodical paywalls by using databases from your friendly local public library and on February 25, 2017 in another post titled How to research: If you can’t get in by the front door, then use the side door.

Rather hilariously in yet another post on December 21st she told us to Show, Don’t Tell.

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