Thursday, June 21, 2018

An unclear message

Visual aids in a presentation should concisely present a clear message. And road signs are supposed to be clear at a glance. What does the upside-down detour sign shown above mean? But it gets much worse.

That sign is part of a cluster at an intersection two blocks from my home, looking south on Light Horizon Way. You need to stop to make sense of them. From left to right, there are six different messages:

1]  A yellow diamond BUMP sign.
2]  A white rectangular ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC sign - topped with that upside down orange DETOUR sign.
3]  An orange diamond ROAD CLOSED AHEAD sign.
4]  Red signs indicating this intersection is an ALL WAY STOP.
5]  Green intersection signs indicating this is LIGHT HORIZON WAY and MORNING COURT, and a yellow arrow one that westbound Morning Court is a DEAD END street.
6]  Another orange rectangular DEAD END sign on Morning Court.

When you continue south and then head east on Skylight Street, you finally see a sign that explains what’s really going on – where the road is closed, when it will reopen, and who to call for further information.

Update June 24, 2018

I wasn’t the only confused person. When I walked by today the detour sign had been turned right side up and moved over to the next intersection.

Now it follows a ROAD CLOSED AHEAD sign and a DETOUR AHEAD sign – and turns traffic on Estrella away from heading for Skylight St.

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