Saturday, August 18, 2018

Table Topics idea: tell us about a film that hasn’t been made yet

I often read Scene magazine – the tabloid weekly entertainment guide which comes with the Friday issue of the Idaho Statesman. Sometimes I shake my head at the film reviews. Who decided to make a sequel of that film?

For Table Topics this week I asked people to tell us about another film -  one that hasn’t been made yet but should be. For inspiration I provided a lead actor’s name and three real titles, like these two examples:

Arnold Schwarzenegger


Red Heat

Total Recall

Meryl Streep

The Manchurian Candidate

The Devil Wears Prada

Mama Mia!

One participant described a film where an aging Arnold had trouble remembering things – more like Total Dementia than Total Recall. He couldn’t save the world singlehandedly anymore. Instead he had to ask Honey, where are my pants? (the title of a TV comedy show in The Lego Movie).

I also described a more difficult variation where you had to change just a single letter from the title to get the new film. Start from a 1949 John Wayne film about Marines in World War II: Sands of Iwo Jima. Changing the first letter to a B turns it into Bands of Iwo Jima – which would be a musical mashup of The Music Man and South Pacific. Changing the first letter to a W turns it into Wands of Iwo Jima. What the heck is Harry Potter doing out here? Clearly we ran out of books to film, but still wanted to make even more piles of money.

An image at the Library of Congress of a theater in Lompoc was modified to add the title.

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