Sunday, September 2, 2018

An ineffective graphic about personal growth for effective leadership

There is an enormous pile of books on the topic of leadership. (Here in the Treasure Valley the online metro public library catalog lists 941 books on the subject of Leadership, and 718 books on Success in Business.  

On the new books shelf at my friendly local public library, I picked up one to skim, Launching a Leadership Revolution by Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward. Chapter 4 is titled The Trilateral Leadership Ledger, and is described at the bottom of pages 95 and 99 by a graphic similar to the one shown above. It is supposed to be: “a way to self-assess their effectiveness and track their progress.” As shown above, it combines three categories – Character, Tasks, and Relationships. Each category is ranked on a scale from zero (dismal) to ten (perfect). When you look at this row of three bar charts, you would be tempted just to average those rankings.

But instead their score for leadership effectiveness is supposed to be the result from multiplying those rankings. A better graphic would make the multiplication more obvious, as shown above. It also should show that the score is on a range from zero to a thousand. (I left off the registered trademark symbol after searching the USPTO database and not finding a registration for that phrase).

Better yet, since there are three dimensions, you could simply show the product from that multiplication as a volume. (For simplicity I left off the three zero to ten scales).

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