Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Pearls Before Swine cartoon about acronyms for the fear of missing out (FOMO), and four other fears

On November 10, 2018 there was a Pearls Before Swine cartoon about five acronyms. As shown above, one was FOMO, which really does mean the Fear Of Missing Out. The other four were humorous but commonly refer to something different.

FOBO refers to Front Office Back Office rather than Fear Of Being Oblong. FOCO refers to a business that is Franchise Owned (and) Company Operated rather than Fear Of Carefree Otters. FODO really is the Fear Of Disappointing Others rather than Fear Of Demoralizing Oatmeal, although there is another cartoon called The Oatmeal. FOFO means to Find Out For Oneself rather than Fear Of Family Occasions.

I easily came up with another three (shown above). The usual source for an urban legend is a Friend Of A Friend.

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