Monday, December 24, 2018

Burning a prop dollhouse to demonstrate how a house fire occurs

It’s hard to understand exactly what variables control how a structure fire occurs (fire dynamics). One excellent way is a demonstration using a dollhouse – an inexpensive prop just 49” high, 32’ wide, 19” deep. Watch Allen Fitzpatrick in this three-minute YouTube video titled Salem firefighter demonstrates fire flow paths by burning down doll house.

At Modern Fire Behavior there is a an article from 2015 on a new style dollhouse with plans. There is a 25-page pdf file of Palmer’s Dollhouse with both plans and instructions for lessons.  

There is a 9-minute video titled Deputy Chief PJ Norwood demonstrating flow paths with this training prop, and a 24-minute video titled Doll House fire behavior, Birmingham Fire and Rescue.

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