Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A bogus blackmail phishing email

Yesterday I received an extremely nasty phishing email, the same one that was described in an article at My Antispyware on January 21st titled This is my last warning email scam. It claimed to have a webcam video of me masturbating, and both lists of my email contacts and Facebook friends. Then, like pointing a gun at me, it threatened blackmail - unless I sent $2000 in payment via Bitcoin within three days they would send out that video and destroy my social life. But the email contained  nothing to persuade me they really had any contact information – not even my first name. I am not on Facebook, so I have no friends there.

That article at My Antispyware said I should cover my web camera lens and block my microphone port. But, as is shown above, I already had a piece of opaque black electrical tape slapped over the lens on my iMac. Another article at PC Magazine on October 11, 2018 titled Don’t fall for this email sextortion scam said back then the scammers were only asking for $250 or $500.

The movie trailer image of Bette Davis came from Wikimedia Commons.  

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