Saturday, January 26, 2019

Words within words

At the Saint Al’s Toastmasters club meeting yesterday the Word of the Day was banal (meaning boring or lacking originality). I couldn’t help noticing that the very different word word anal was contained within it. Lots of other words also have that property, and some contain multiple words. At Wordnik there is a web page of “Puts the ___ in _____” Jokes with 221 items! Twenty examples (with the larger word first) are:

Ambassador – ado, ass, bass

Asking - skin

Brash - rash

Controller - troll

Dungaree - dung

Execute - cute

Flamboyant - boy

Gangster - angst

Grave - rave

Innovation – no, vat

Kidnap - nap

Manslaughter - laughter

Mortgage – gag

Narrative - rat

Origin - gin

Outwit - twit

Pantsuit - ants

Patriot - riot

Sincere - sin

Travel – rave

The Jack-in-the-Box image was adapted from one at Openclipart.

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